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What if SHTF?

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Clipboard checklist.Preppers are know for preparing for natural disasters,economic collaps

Be Prepared, Not Scared

By failing to prepare,
you are preparing to fail.

Millions of people across the world consider themselves preppers. Its always better to be prepared then scared. Preppers are those who actively prepare for all types of emergencies from natural disasters to civil unrest, etc. Anyone can be a prepper. They often acquire items such as emergency medical supplies, food and water, home defense and more. Below are various items & products you will find to be useful in any life threating situation. 

Are you prepared if SHTF?

  • The average american does NOT have at least 30-60 days of survival food/items without a trip to a market. 


  • Groceries are among the average american’s top monthly expenses.


  • You can’t predict when an emergency will happen, so preparation is always essential


  • Always plan based on your skills & risks



Don't Wait till its Too Late. Start Now!

Download The Free Shopping checklist 

This Preppers Budget shopping list is designed to help you better prepare for Any SHTF Situation on a budget. don't spend a fortune on items if you don't have to! 

take it with you on your next grocery run.


Home checklist summary:


  • Water: store 15 gallons of potable water per person (roughly 1 gallon per day) and have ways to treat dirty water via either a portable water filter or countertop water filter 


  • Food: at least 23,000 calories per person (roughly 1,500 calories per day) of shelf-stable food that’s ready to eat or only needs boiling water to make; usually one or a mix of extra supermarket food you normally eat anyway or special prepper food that lasts forever


  • Fire: lighters, matches, and backup fire starters


  • Light: headlamps, flashlights, candles, lanterns


  • Heating and cooling: indoor-safe heaters, extra blankets, USB-powered fan


  • Shelter: a cheap tarp (anything you find at a local store) comes in handy for improvised shelter, plugging holes in the house, and clearing debris



  • Hygiene: wet wipes, hand sanitizer, camp soap


  • Communication: either a one-way NOAA radio or a two-way ham radio (if you know how to use it)


  • Power: spare batteries and rechargers (your bug out bag will have a solar charger, but you can also get a second one for home)


  • Tools: axe, shovel, work gloves, wrench for your gas lines, zip ties, duct tape, etc.


  • Self defense: depends on personal views, may include body armor, firearms, etc.


  • Cash: as much as you can reasonably afford to stash


  • Mental health: board games, favorite books, headphones, movies downloaded to a tablet, etc.


  • Documents: copy of deeds/titles, insurance policies, birth certificates, maps, pictures of family members, etc. in both physical and USB thumb drive forms


  • Local & emergency info: write down important contact numbers, know the location of the nearest hospitals, etc.


Ask yourself this...

  • If you lost your job today, how long could you go without a paycheck?

  • How much food do you have on hand, and how long will it last?

  • What steps do you need to take to ensure your families survival?

if you can answer all 3 id say you're prepared..

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